Tag Archives: self-awareness

The Symphony of Balance

As I was doing yoga this morning, I had a minor epiphany about balance. I was standing in Vrksasana (tree pose), my right leg up and my left leg on the floor. This posture always requires lots of focus. It requires that I stand on one leg for at least a minute. I’ve gotten to…

Ego and Perfectionism: Unraveling the Ties That Bind

enchanted forest

Imagine you’re on a journey, strolling through a lush, green forest, when you suddenly come across two peculiar trees. The first tree, twisted and gnarled, represents perfectionism. The second, a towering, majestic oak, symbolizes an inflated ego. Both trees share a common root system – a strong attachment to the self and a yearning for…

5 Common Myths About Mindfulness Meditation Debunked

So, you’re curious about meditation, but you don’t know where to start.  Or maybe you’re already practicing but have heard some strange or conflicting information about the benefits and techniques of mindfulness. In this article, I’ll debunk some of the most common myths about mindfulness meditation, so you can start or continue your practice with…